
Middle School Requirements

To be promoted from middle school to high school, students need to successfully complete (with a final grade of 60% or higher) three middle school or higher level courses in each: English, Math, Social Studies, and Science, or 12 academic credits. 

In other words, students MUST PASS ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:

6th grade Math, English, Social Studies and Science

7th grade Math, English, Social Studies and Science

8th grade Math, English, Social Studies and Science

 If they do not pass a subject during the school year, it will need to be repeated in a summer program, or after hours, such as on Saturdays. This is a state wide requirement that went into effect during the 2006-07 school year. 

To support this endeavor, parents and students have access to on-line homework and assessments. 

Instructions for using this site are available in English and Spanish.

If you need help with login information, please contact your guidance counselor.